Gay bars las vegas sunday specials

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There are also drag shows featuring Vypra and Fantasia every Friday while Wednesday is karaoke night and last but not least, Thursday is Trivialand game night! The Phoenix Tuesday is when you can dance and sing along to hits from the 70s, 80s, and 90s with $6 Long Island Iced Teas and other discounted cocktails. For now, every Monday is bingo with discounted beer pitchers. And speaking of pool, Badlands features Free Pool Tuesdays, from 4 PM to 4 AM so you can keep the fun going for free.Įvery night there’s a different event. When you’re ready to wind down or are waiting for friends to arrive, you can play a round of pool.

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What better place to grab a drink, catch a drag show, and dance the night away than Badlands Bar? They feature special events and drink specials daily-every day you can expect something new!

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